Overcoming Dental Phobia with Sedation Dentistry

If you have had a bad dental experience, which has made you scared of dentists and their tools, or if you are one of the many individuals who would rather leave their teeth to rot instead of going to the dentist, don’t worry as with sedation dentistry, you can overcome your fear of getting your teeth scraped and drilled, while getting a perfect and comfortable dental treatment.

But what is sedation dentistry and how does it help patients with dental phobia get their treatment done? Well, sedation dentistry is a wise and easy way of carrying out dental surgeries and operations without causing any pain.

Also known as ‘sleep dentistry’, this method involves a set of medications which enables the patients to feel relaxed throughout the procedure. The medication is used to numb the mouth while the rest of the body functions normally. You will be able to watch the dentists perform a surgery or pluck out a tooth from your mouth while you feel no pain at all. All thanks to Anesthesia.

Depending on the patients’ level of dental anxiety, dentists use different ways of giving them the anesthesia. Patients with a comparatively lower level of dental anxiety often get their treatment started with nitrous oxide or what many call it the laughing gas. This helps the patients calm their nerves which also helps the dentists do their job with ease.

Patients with a high level of dental phobia are given a pill, which helps them feel like they are going to sleep while they stay awake during most part of the procedure. The area to be operated upon is made fully numb while the rest of your body functions normally.

For patients who are afraid of dental surgeries, anesthesia injections are the perfect solution, which once injected into the bloodstream makes the patient fall asleep. Patients do not remember most of the procedure as they have slept through the whole treatment.

It is crucial that you talk to your dentist about your dental phobia so he/she can advise you accordingly.

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