At Veneman Dental Care we’re a multigenerational dental practice that’s dedicated to preserving the dental health of your family for generations to come. To us, family dentistry means providing exceptional, comprehensive dental care to the youngest and oldest members of your family—and everyone in between. We understand that the unfamiliar faces, sights, sounds, and experiences of a family dentist’s office can be off-putting to children, especially those who are new to dental visits. While we always strive to provide a fun, friendly, and relaxed atmosphere for all of our patients, we make an extra effort to reassure our youngest patients that they’ll remain safe and comfortable throughout their appointment. With three locations for family dentistry in St. Croix Falls and Woodville, WI, we’ll not only make visits more comfortable but also more convenient for your entire family. Whenever possible, we’ll try to schedule appointments for multiple family members on the same day.
While we can both treat dental issues and help your family prevent them, it’s up to you to provide a good foundation for a healthy smile. That means adopting good dental hygiene and dietary habits and getting your family to follow them as well. Some of these are basic, such as brushing and flossing regularly as directed by your family dentist, and also watching what you eat and drink. That means limiting your consumption of foods and beverages with a high sugar content, which is proven to cause tooth decay. Carbonated soft drinks, even those low-calorie sugar-free varieties, also damage your tooth enamel. Coffee, tea, and red wine can discolor your teeth if consumed regularly. Avoid all tobacco products, which not only stain teeth but can lead to oral cancer. And when it comes time for your family to have teeth cleanings or routine examinations, always follow through. Remember, your children are counting on your guidance, and with it they may be able to enjoy a lifetime of strong, healthy teeth!