How Can your Family Dentist Help with Sleep Apnea?

Your family dentist is like a part of your family. Regularly visiting the dentist is often feared but if there’s a family dentist it becomes easier. If you suffer from various oral health problems, it becomes a necessity to visit a dentist near you.

You may never understand the problem of sleep apnea unless you know what it is. Sleep apnea is a chronic condition of disturbed breathing at different times throughout your sleep. It is of two types- obstructive sleep apnea and central sleep apnea.

  • Obstructive sleep apnea is the most common form of sleep apnea. During the interrupted breathing, the airway’s soft tissues collapse. This prevents oxygen to pass through the airway and reach the lungs.
  • During central sleep apnea, the brain stops sending messages to the body to breathe. There is no physical disruption to the airway, although the body reacts as if the interruption occurs.

If your problem with sleep apnea is not addressed at the right time, you may wake up tired and exhausted. Also, if left untreated sleep apnea can have negative impacts on your mental and physical health.

You may consult your general physician for Sleep Apnea Treatment without realizing that your family dentist is all you need.

Impact of Sleep Apnea on your Health

Sleep apnea can make way for many other chronic health conditions which affect you mentally and physically. Adults suffering from sleep apnea are more likely to have high blood pressure and high risk of heart disease. It can also cause mood disorders like depression, mania, dysthymia, and bipolar disorder.

The chronic fatigue that you go through due to sleep apnea increases your risk of injuries. The impact of sleep apnea on your overall health can be fatal.

The Role of your Family Dentist in treating Sleep Apnea

At Veneman Dental Care, our family dentists are highly-qualified to treat the problem of snoring. After being diagnosed, you can get a dental appointment and know your treatment options. Your family dentist may recommend wearing oral appliances. The devices can help with symptoms of people with normal weight with mild to moderate sleep apnea.

The dental sleep devices termed as Mandibular Advancement Devices, are the most commonly used oral appliances. These devices look like mouth guards and push the lower jaw forward. As a result, the muscles do not fall down during sleep apnea. The oral appliances make the airway stronger and rigid thus preventing apneas.

Our dentists assess your teeth, mouth, and temporomandibular joints to determine whether they are suitable or not. They would then create the model of your teeth to craft oral appliances that fit in your mouth perfectly. The proper fitting of the device in your mouth is important otherwise it can cause jaw damage. You need to wear devices to eliminate its symptoms.

Although less common, tongue-retaining devices suit most of the patients. If you use this device, it would keep your tongue in a forward position. Because your tongue touches the lower jaw, it keeps your airway open while you are asleep.

The Veneman dental family dentists work on oral appliances closely for improving your symptoms. With regular monitoring and care given by our best dentists, you can cope with sleep apnea.

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