Dentistry for Children

Dentistry for Children For Complete Dental Care | Veneman Dental CareWhat age should your child start brushing their teeth? When should they start visiting the dentist on a regular basis? How often should they floss? Should they wear braces?  Too many questions on dentistry for children. Where do you get all the answers? We will help you with some of these, and for others, you can visit your family dentist like Veneman Dental Care.

When should a child start brushing teeth?

Want to minimize your child’s trips to a dentist? Initiate their dental care when they are babies, even before their first tooth surfaces up.  Yes, you can see no teeth in those tiny jaws, but they are still there.

Teeth start forming in the second trimester when the baby is still in your womb, and when you give birth, they have about 20 primary teeth. So, how do you care for teeth that you can’t see yet? Rub a clean and damp cloth over the gums so as to keep harmful bacteria at bay.

When the teeth start appearing, use a soft infant toothbrush and only a tiny bit of fluoride toothpaste to clean them. Once the teeth start touching each other, you can floss tem as well. By the time your child is two years, they should have learnt to spit when brushing their teeth.

When should your child begin to see a dentist?

The best of dentists recommend that a child should visit a dentist by their first birthday. The dentist would conduct a dental examination, and demonstrate brushing and flossing techniques. Why visit a dentist this early? So that potential problems can be identified earlier on, and also so your kids get used to the dental procedures and office space. For instance, your dentist would recommend an orthodontist if an overbite problem has to be corrected, or an oral surgeon if the jaws have to be realigned.

Just be sure that you choose a dentist who specializes in dentistry for children.

How can ensure your child doesn’t get cavities?

When do cavities develop? When food is left on the teeth and is not brushed away properly. These accumulated particles allow acid to accumulate which acts on the enamel until a hole, formally known as cavity, develops.

Like we have said it before, you should initiate good oral habits right from the beginning. Teach your kids to brush two times a day, and to floss regularly. Either use a fluoride toothpaste, or make sure you kids are getting enough of it. Fluoride toughens surface of the tooth, and prevents acid from attacking it. Yes, toothpastes often contain this substance, but not in enough quantities to protect your child’s teeth. Your dentist can recommend some supplements if required, but be careful, because too much of fluoride can also discolor the teeth.

Ensure that your child doesn’t eat too much of sweet foods, candy, or juices, because all of these can wear off the teeth’s outer surface. If they do, then they should brush right after eating.


Heed on to what we have suggested, and take more advice from your family dentist.

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