Dental Crown Procedure: Recovery and Aftercare

Dental Crown Procedure is common and is done in many situations. It is used to protect a weak tooth, restore a broken tooth, cover after large filling or root canal, etc. Once the procedure is complete and the crown is correctly placed in its position, the results are long-lasting. The crowning procedure is a safe and short procedure that does not require any specialized care. However, it may take a few days to recover and some precautions can ensure a fast and safe recovery. Here are some points to ponder during the recovery process.

Dental Crown Procedures

Anesthetic Numbness 

Local anesthesia is sometimes used in the Dental Crown Procedure if you are not able to handle discomfort. The numbness due to the effect of anesthesia may last for several hours after the process is completed. During this time, you may unknowingly burn or bite yourself, as you will not feel heat or pain as usual. Also, you may feel some bruising or inflammation at the site of anesthesia injection, especially in the lower jaw. However, this should go away on its own with no treatment required.


Discomfort and Sensitivity

Feeling a little pain or discomfort following the Dental Crown Procedure is normal. This may stay for several days but is improved with no assigned treatment. In the meantime, you can use some analgesic medication to reduce pain. These pain relievers help in making you feel more comfortable during the recovery. Oftentimes some sensitivity is experienced in the gums surrounding the treatment site. This may happen due to the irritation caused by dental cement. You can use some topical analgesic gels from the nearby pharmacy to relive this. Sensitivity toothpaste can also be helpful.


Caring Temporary Crown

Permanent crowns are constructed in special laboratories with reference to the measurements of your teeth and bite shape. Until the permanent crown is ready, your dentist would fit a temporary crown after the Dental Crown Procedure. These temporary crowns are more fragile and need special care. You need to avoid sticky, chewy, and hard food to prevent the dislodging and breakage of the temporary crown. It is often advised to eat from the opposite side while the temporary crown is in place and avoid flossing. Even if you are flossing your teeth, make sure that you slide the floss and do not lift it.


Oral care and Dietary

It is normal to feel hesitant to eat sticky, chewy, and hard food even after the permanent crown is placed. You can gradually introduce these food items as you gain confidence in your crown. However, you should avoid such food for the first 24 hours to let the crown cement to the abutment tooth. Crowns are also susceptible to decay, especially near the gum lining. For this reason, it is important to follow a good oral hygiene routine. You should brush twice a day and carefully floss daily to ensure the longevity of your crown.


Dental Crown Procedure requires the utmost accuracy for success. It is important to get it done by an experienced, qualified and skilled dentist. The Veneman dental care clinic in Maplewood offers a safe and comfortable crowing procedure with excellent results. We also provide a lending club solution with responsible payment plans. Lending club empowers you to get the best quality treatment without delay with reasonable and hassle-free payment.

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